Cypher Referral & Rewards


Refer new users and we will share 50% of our earnings with you

Here's how

1) Get your unique referral link: Open Cypher Wallet and go to "Referral & Rewards" under "Options" to get your unique referral link

2) Share your referral link: Share your unique referral link with friends to download Cypher Wallet. (They must be new users to Cypher Wallet to qualify)

3) Earn: Whenever your referral bridges in Cypher Wallet, receive 50% of earnings - which will be automatically be paid out to your wallet on a monthly basis

Cypher Referral Program Terms & Conditions: When participating in the Cypher Referral Program, you acknowledge that CypherD Wallet Inc. has full and sole discretion to final payment of the referral reward and may withhold or terminate a reward payment if it is considered illegitimate. In addition, please wait 48-72 hours to receive your payment from CypherD Wallet Inc.